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Being proactive about safety, security and crime prevention makes for a stronger JHU community. You can start by familiarizing yourself with these important services.

Bike Registration

Through the JHU Online Bicycle Registration program, you can submit information about your bicycle to Campus Safety and Security. In the event something should happen to your bike, this information will be used as we attempt to recover it.

Escort Program

You don’t ever have to take a chance. Call for an escort, and we’ll make sure you get home safely.

Front Door Software

Front Door offers patented in-front and/or behind lock screen messaging and alert capabilities. In addition, it is designed to prevent theft and accidental loss of your mobile technology (phones, laptops, tablets) by helping you track and recover lost and stolen devices.

Home Security Inspection

We offer free home security inspections of non-commercial, off-campus housing to make sure your home meets city ordinances and standards for preventing theft, fire, or other hazards.

Lost and Found

Have you lost – or found – personal property on the Homewood campus? Managed by Campus Safety and Security, JHU’s Lost and Found service returns thousands of items to their rightful owners every year.

Property Registration

Through the JHU Online Property Registration program, you can submit information about your electronic property (laptops, iPods, etc.) to Campus Safety and Security. In the event it becomes lost or stolen, this information will be used as we attempt to recover your property.