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Emergency Response Guides

In the event of an emergency or crisis on campus, being prepared is crucial. JHU encourages its students to review the information in these guides to learn what to do in an emergency situation.

Active Shooter

Active shooter situations are unpredictable, and they evolve quickly. If you find yourself in the middle of such an event, your survival can depend on the way you respond. Try to stay calm and recall the guidelines outlined here.

Bomb Threat

Bomb threats are taken seriously until proven otherwise. As always, the safety of students, faculty, and staff is our highest priority.

Severe Weather

Fortunately, severe weather occurrences are uncommon in our area, but you should be aware of these guidelines in the event a severe storm, tornado, or flood event threatens JHU.

Suspicious Letters, Packages, and Devices

Please familiarize yourself with these procedures so you will know how to respond should you happen to see anything you perceive as a risk to yourself or our campus.